
Katie Gold was born in the Wairarpa.  She moved to Nelson in the late 1980's to study Craft Design at Nelson Polytechnic - it was there that Katie disciovered clay and began producing decorated tableware.  During the early to mid 90's she produced a popular range of functional wares and sold these at the Nelson markets and Martinborough Fair.  It was also during this time that Katie produced some sculptural pieces for a Nelson gallery exhibition. 

Her "handbuilt clay art" quickly became recognised and before long Katie no longer had time to throw bowls and mugs as demand for her hand-built sculptures had become too great.

In the mid 1990's Katie was awarded two on New Zealand's premier ceramic prizes - at The Birkenhead Awards and the Cleveland Ceramic Awards.

In 2000 Katie moved to Upper Moutere Village to share a studio and gallery with her partner - another award winning ceramic artist - Owen Bartlett.  She has now been a part of over 300 exhibitions and her work sells worldwide.