
Born in Edinburgh in 1967, Laura Hardie has built a repuation through many years of working solely to commission as one of the UK’s finest animal portraitists in coloured pencil and graphite.  

From childhood, it was clear that Laura’s passion for drawing would lead to serious study of art, but after studying at  Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee, raising a family took precedence over her career for some years, although Laura continued to draw for pleasure rather than profit.  In 2004 however, with encouragement from her children and friends who realised that her extraordinary talents deserved a wider audience, Laura made the decision to turn professional.   Naturally her love of animals, especially dogs, was a significant factor in the path she forged for herself in the world of fine animal portaiture.   It wasn’t long before word of her skill spread beyond the borders of her native Scotland, and commissioned portraits by Laura can now be found in private collections throughout the UK, Belgium, Spain, America and as far away as Australia.

In considering each unique subject, Laura looks for character and personality, be it through a particular twist of the head or sparkle in the animal’s eyes, and it is for her uncanny ability to pinpoint and capture this essence of spirit in exquisitely fine detail that she has won so many accolades from clients and the art world alike.

As demand for her work continues to increase, Laura is now accepting fewer private commissions and instead is devoting more time to producing original artwork in oil and acrylic as well as her favourite dry media, for sale and exhibition

Laura Hardie is a member of the UK Coloured Pencil Society and the Canine Art Guild, and works from her home studio in Edinburgh.